Safe Paddling

To paddle safely you need to be well trained in the activity you propose undertaking so you can assess the associated risks and manage them. Coaches and Leaders have a higher duty of care but all participating adults, especially as your experience increases, have a responsibility for your own and the overall group safety. Stick to the very simple rule, if in doubt say NO.

The club priorities member training such as running beginner’s courses, moderate water training and leadership fundamentals as resources allow. We also support members to become British Canoeing coaches and leaders. See Coaches and Leaders for the current list of coaches and how to become one.

The safe running of the club is supported by written risk assessments which are all available on the Club Doc page. All new members should read the overall risk assessments “Health and Safety Policy” and “General Risk Assessment”.

Sports Wales defines Kayaking/Canoeing as a high risk sport and requires all recognised clubs to be affiliated to Canoe Wales.

British Canoeing Safety Training

Foundation Safety and Rescue Training is a one day course that provides basic generic training for all disciplines within the sport.

White Water Safety and Rescue Training (grade 1/2) and Advanced White Water Safety and Rescue Training (grade 3/4) are recommended for anyone thinking of paddling on rivers.

Useful other sources of information

FSRT Course Videos (Excellent)

Weil's Disease British Canoeing Advice and NHS Advice (Very rare but should be aware of on inland water)

Trips & Events

Trips this September

Sea Solva on 3rd Sept 2024

Touring (Inland) Haverfordwest river trip on 10th Sept 2024

Touring (Inland) Haverfordwest river trip on 10th Sept 2024

 Nght paddle on 17th Sept 2024