Useful Links

Links for specific areas, equipment supplies, coaching providers, British Canoeing qualification, governing body documents, trip planning sites, insurance, discipline specific info are all covered on other pages: This section just contains links to the wider sport.

National Governing Bodys

Canoe Wales

British Canoeing

British Canoeing Awarding

Video Channels

British Canoeing TV

British Canoeing (A second channel)

Canoeing Magazines

Canoe Wales Ceufad Mag: Posted to "On the Water" members. Free Online Click
British Canoeing Mag: Free Online Click
Ocean Paddler Mag
Sea Kayaker Mag











Trips & Events

Trips this July

Sea Skomer on 2nd July 2024

 Sea kayak skills on 4th July 2024

Sea Broad Haven Triathlon on 6th July 2024

Sea Pwllgwaelod on 9th July 2024

Sea Porthgain on 16th July 2024

Sea Porthclais on 23rd July 2024