Club Coaches and Leaders

The club has the following Coaches and Leaders:

(current qualification titles used for simplicity, the coach may have previously named qualifications)

AWC: Advanced Water Coach; AWL: Advanced Water Leader
MWC: Moderate Water Coach; MWL: Moderate Water Leader
(MWL) Brackets means training completed but not qualified.

Click for BC Environmental Definitions and Deployment Guidance for Instructors, Coaches and Leaders


General Coach

Sea Surf White Water
Paul Bramble Level 2
Tim Bryant   MWL    
Stuart Coulson Level 2 AWC (MWL) AWC
Julie Drake   (MWL)    
Brook Gardner Level 2 (MWL)   (MWL)
Richard Lawrence Level 2 AWL MWL  
Julie Layton Level 1      
Simon McDowell Level 2   (MWL)  
Chris Russel Level 2 MWL MWL  
Amanda Russell Level 1 (MWL)    
Aileen Saunders Level 1 (MWL)    
Mary Taylor Level 1      
Andrew Theobald Level 1   (MWL)  
Rhys Williams Level 1      


Issues for Coaches:

Coach Update:

Click for full details

Coaches must apply to canoe wales every 3 years to update. This means:

Maintain Canoe Wales Membership
Renew first aid every three years
Complete valid training: (Typically 1 day buys 18 months, 2 days buys 3 years update but you need to check each course).

Working with Youth Safeguarding Training:

Click for full details

UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children classroom course (SPC).
Equivalent certificated 2/3 hour course (i.e. most work courses) acceptable. See document SPC-G14 in above link.

Renewal within 5 years can be done online, Click. Cost about £17.
Again via an equivalent certificated renewal course (eg a work course).

Forward Paddling Instructional Videos:

Masterclass Racing Kayak Technique

Racing Kayak on the Water basics

Racing Kayak Techique on the water

Olympic K1 Final

HWKC Library Books (General)

Canoe Games: Dave Ruse

Canoe Games(2nd edition): Dave Ruse

Outward Bound Canoeing Handbook

Kayak Rolling-The Black Art Demystified: Loel Collins


Trips & Events

Trips this July

Sea Skomer on 2nd July 2024

 Sea kayak skills on 4th July 2024

Sea Broad Haven Triathlon on 6th July 2024

Sea Pwllgwaelod on 9th July 2024

Sea Porthgain on 16th July 2024

Sea Porthclais on 23rd July 2024