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0 Haverfordwest Kayak Club

Club trip 25th May 2021

Type of trip: Sea
Level: Sheltered/Moderate
Paddler Level: All

Meet at:Solva Meeting time: 1900

Briefing and Launch time:1915 (*Please note that it will be at the discretion of the trip leader as to whether or not any member who has not signed up and not attended the safety briefing is allowed to participate in this trip.)

Estimated Duration: 1:30

Outline plan: Variety of options including paddling within the harbour or longer sea trips. If you need club kit meet at the container at 1815.

Expected condtions: W F3-4 1m swell at 10 seconds MHHW 1820

Organiser: Rich Tel. 07817 459568 email: Richard_lawrence@hotmail.co.uk

Already signed up for this:

Brook Tel. 07780652309 email brookgardner78@googlemail.com   CW Yes
joe sutherland Tel. 07811734871 email beicmelyn@gmail.com  CW Yes
Iwan Brew Tel. 07877053364 email tbrew@live.co.uk  CW Yes
Rob Tel. 01437532574 email robleatham64@gmail.com  CW Yes
Charlie Tel. 07956835785 email Leonard   CW Yes
Kit required: Boat and spraydeck please. Beginner.
Sally Reeves Tel. 01437732818 email sar@pen-yr-allt.co.uk  CW Yes
Eva Darlington Tel. 07969900151 email bluesea22@pm.me  CW Yes
Kit required: Youth beginner. All kit please.
Jane Douglas Tel. 07969900151 email bluesea22@pm.me  CW Yes
Kit required: Beginner. All kit please. Left handed paddle
Esther van der Spoel Tel. 07531139203 email esthervdspoel@hotmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: All kit needed please, will meet at container
Rubina Sherali Tel. 07308961801 email rubinasherali@hotmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Helmet please. Thank you.
Helen Page Tel. 07826194241 email helenpage44@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: All kit. Large life jacket, medium helmet, right-handed paddle, kayak.
John Fisher Tel. 01348891686 email johnfisher2017@btinternet.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Beginner, will bring my own sit on top and kit.
Sarah Tel. 07879 660890 email sarahstorrow@gmail.com  CW Yes
Max Findlay Tel. 07790006816 email angus003@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Beginner: Boat, paddle&Spray Deck please
Chris Russell Tel. 07855907346 email abcrussell@live.co.uk  CW Yes
Freddy Morris Tel. 07855555026 email skeateness@hotmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Canoe, ore, helmet, boyance aid
Heather Smith Tel. 07540566442 email msheathersmith@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: I have my own kit although my sea boat is stored in the clubs container. I can bring a whitewater boat or my sea boat, not su
Aileen Tel. 01437890699 email saundeaile@aol.com  CW Yes
Tom Roch Tel. 07792965012 email tomroch61@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: No kit required
Susan Barnett Tel. 07768772463 email susanbar5.sb@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Have own kit.
Dean Tel. 07918111988 email evs_bud@hotmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Beginner, my kayak doesn't have spray deck, not sure if need?
Annette Edwards Tel. 07860804827 email annetteedwards35@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Kayak and kit please
AIDAN WINCHETER Tel. 07816013518 email chantalwinchester@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: kayak spraydeck helmet and left hand paddle please
Rosie Hughes Tel. 07421140839 email chug303@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Youth beginner: Kayak, youth B.aid, sml paddle&helmet, spray deck
Chris Hughes Tel. 07421140839 email chug303@gmail.com  CW Yes
jose capitao Tel. 07879644760 email josecapitao74@gmail.com  CW Yes
Mike T Tel. 07584 245563 email mike@mtdtidfs.plus.com  CW Yes
Amanda Russell Tel. 07855907346 email abcrussell@live.co.uk  CW Yes
Kathryn James Tel. email   CW Yes
Mark Williams Tel. email   CW Yes
Pete Sedgwick Tel. 07929718199 email petesedg@hotmail.com  CW Yes