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Haverfordwest Kayak Club

Youth Trip 16th May 2017

Type of trip: Estuary
Level: Sheltered
Paddler Level: All

Meet at:Black Tarr Meeting time: 1900

Briefing and Launch time:1915 (*Please note that it will be at the discretion of the trip leader as to whether or not any member who has not signed up and not attended the safety briefing is allowed to participate in this trip.)

Estimated Duration: 1:30

Outline plan: Meet at Black Tarr. Paddle down stream then return on the flood tide.

Expected condtions: SW breeze and sunshine. Possible high river levels in town after the rain and big swell on the coast so we'll explore the estuary

Organiser: Rich Tel. 07817459568 email: richard_lawrence@hotmail.co.uk

Already signed up for this:

Teo Tel. 07976695251 email Sashakrol@hotmail.co.uk  CW Yes
Kit required: Full kit
Chris (towing) Tel. 07855 907346 email abcrussell@live.co.uk  CW Yes
Zac Tel. 07977561949 email Michepullin@hotmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: Full kit please
Sophie Tel. email   CW Yes
Brook Tel. 0778065309 email brookandbeverley@talktalk.net  CW Yes
Sam Storrow Tel. 07879 660890 email sarahstorrow@gmail.com  CW Yes
Kit required: a boat and a left handed paddle please
Demelza Tel. email 07816626853  CW Yes
Kit required: All kit please